Automobili Lamborghini!

This is a picture of the 2 cylinder engine like what I’ve seen…only the one I saw is actually a 4 cylinder version, and stands 30ft tall.

Gary wanted to feel some real power between his legs.


Just playin lol that thing is fuckin gigantic.

What I would like to know is…how did you move that engine from 1 side of the shop to the other?

gary used his legs…


Zero the plains captain…very slowly and very carefully. We could put a civic on that table no problem

Damn that looks sweet. I can’t even imagine what a pain in the ass that thing is to work on.


Top Gear ruined that car for me. When they drove it and hated it. I remember racing that car in the original Test Drive in all it’s 16 color glory and dreaming about how cool it would be to own one. circa 1987

Need For Speed III: Hot Pursuit

And yet you posted a screen shot from driving the 911 in the game :wink:

Looks good Don, bet using the hoist on that was a PITA.

Gimme a 911 from the same era anyday.

I appreciate them for that they are, but man, I sure can think of better things to spend my money on.

Don’t let the owner see those those pics of Dr Strangelove riding the bomb!

He bought that from smoking joe didn’t he?He bought a GN a few yrs back from me that no one could figure out what was wrong w/ it.Ask him if he ever figured out what it was.

wow…thats quite the big engine/tranny combo

I still have that game for my C64c. I think I’ll fire it up tonight :slight_smile:

Can’t believe Hybrid has one of my dream cars in their garage.

well i see them driving it up and down elmwood alot so i assumed the guy worked there

I doubt the owner will care…we are the first shop to take on the task and make any progress in 8 years or whatever. AND we had the motor out in a little over a days worth of work. I bet if had just got done pulling that himself he would have rode that v12bull too…lol…had to get some fun out of such a pain in the ass.

I couldn’t wait to hear this thing run so I found a video of one.

He bought it from Joe’s Kid …but yeah … same person

As for your old GN … im sure that got fixed … he goes through about 6 a year soo …

To bad that car will NEVER sound that good Gary. The Kreissieg F1 exhausts add sooooo much charecter to cars. It’ll sound good, just not THAT good.

I know he had a for a yr and hadn’t figured it out yet.Granted this was like 3 yrs ago.

Hahaha not the only one. Sadly I was only able to play in CGA mode at the time. :frowning: