Automotive Pet Peeves

ghetto white kids staring u down through there back windows

What really burns me is the new M6 has an unpainted carbon fiber roof. If I spent $96,000 on a car

for your information the M6 sticker price is 109,000 dollars.

I hate SUV’s/ Minivans and people who drive the left lane doing the speed limit.

I hope a unpainted CF hood looks good on my black jetta,compared to all the rock chips i’ve got now in the stock one :gotme:

i hate what sport bikes have become and the fact any moron with a license can buy one and use the public streets as their personal race track.

and i cant stand the moron that flies through my neighborhood on his R6. one of these days hes gunna run over a child if i dont kill him first.

I cold go on and on, but I’ll keep it short and sweet. I agree with the cf, I hate ricers, neon all that crap, Fart can mufflers, stereo’s that are all bass, bumper stickers that are put on crooked, people who swing left to turn right and arn’t driving a semi, people who start asking question about your car and try to carry on a conversaton and have no idea what they are talking about, and you guys may have never heard this term cuz it;s old school: ‘three quarter race cam’, that is my number one pet peeve.

I hate neons, mini coopers, saturns, pt cruisers and sunfires.

i hate when people drive the speed limit in general. i’m always in a hurry so move the fuck over.

i hate when people put on their turning signal 10 minutes before they actually turn.

i hate when people forget the turn off their turning signal.

i hate it when people have on their windshield wipers WAY too fast when it is hardly raining and i am driving behind them.

i hate it when old people pull over to the side of the road just to get behind you and tailgate you.

and last but not least

i hate it when i’m driving and random people flip over my hood. that dents ya know.

and tint FTW

You’re a damn fool.

I HATE that!! Why are they going so fast when it is barely raining? Aparrently no one ever learned about intermittent(sp?) wipers?

^ LOL word! i thought it was only me. drives me off the wall.

I hate when girls drive.

Silly girls, get back in the passenger seat where you belong! :hay:

No man… every time I see it I wanna bash their heads in with their wipers. God… it’s to a point where when it is ever so slightly raining I look for it because I know I’ll see it. I don’t get it… if I put mine on super sonic (or even regular steady wiping) they jump around because it’s to dry to run them that fast… plus I look like a retard like them.


great. now after this, it’s going to stand out That much more and bother me Lots more :lol:

Wow I dont like you and I havent meet you, and it has tint that I love the minis look like crap without it, and I have Black rims becouse they NEVER look dirty.

but anoying things are, cars that are dumping Hydrolic fluid all over your windshield (stupid Delsol), that door trim junk, Fart cans on auto FWD’s. Harlys with straight pipes. Oil burning Caravans that leave enough smoke that you have to wait till it clears to drive. (basicaly people who dont keep thare cars in good running order.)

sorry guy. It’s just my opinion. Don’t hate because of that.



More than anything I hate that.

-“Rims” on a Jeep
-Anyone that owns a Pontiac in bad sections of town.
-Chrome door-strips, on every body panel
-“Rims” that at at least worth 5 times the vehicle they are on
-People that think driving stick is = to talking on a cell phone
-Pink e30’s/Riced Tercels/Geo’s with 5 driving lights
-Empire car club
-Blurry videos of street races at night between two 19 second cars.
-Snowplows/bookshelves on economy cars
-People that stand in line at auto stores purchasing yellow plug-wires, a performance coil-pack, and APC Muffler. And keep asking the clerk questions which he knows nothing about for 15 minutes because he is the only clerk there able to cash you out.
-Cocky orange fox-body mustang owners
-Those that considering an engine broken-in after 100 miles
-People that tell you something is impossible.
-People that know nothing about what they own, but talk like they know -everything.
-Forums for modding slow cars, with posts along the lines of “17-second barrier eludes me (again)”
-Front-wheel drive
-People that use the gas pedal in two ways. On & Off
-People that use the brakes the same
-+10lb nitrous bottles that are not attached
-Diamond plate over top of where the air-bag deploys. :tup:
-Turbo-caviliers with dime sized brake lights
-Station-wagons without groceries/picnic baskets. :frowning:
-Huge ego’s and beemer owners. :wink:
-People that think they can drive/race. Yet have never once taken it to the track and realized how much they suck.

And some more but I need to sleep…

-turning on your blinker, 3 mili secons before you turn

  • the opti-spark
  • people who dont use the highway on ramp to accelerate and try to merge at 30 mph and then wonder why they cant.
  • the box in is also a huge pet peeve (someone said it earlier but i dont feel like going back to quote it)
  • getting “the stare” at every stoplight
  • when other cars music are louder than my exhaust
    -ny/the dmv

Shitty carbon fiber parts everywhere. Any $300 hood is a piece of trash, you’d be better off with fiberglass and paint, at least then you’d get some respect.

i swear */4 race cams only existed for flatheads … after that people learned what lift, duration, lobe seperation were and started using those terms

but now adays its “stage” … stage 3 cam, stage 4 clutch … you fucking idiots with a stage 3 clutch in a stock car, wtf are you thinking ?

i spell it “porch” i say it the same way fro the fun of it … i dont care, i do it intentionaly, but i also know how to say “porshe-AH” correctly

on the CF panel debate, id rather see it left CF if it fits shitty, but i guess thats cause im a collision tech, i hate sing a painted panel that looks like its a steel panel that was folded in 1/2 and repaired

People calling Camaros, Firebirds, and Formulas “F-bodies” just because they think it sounds cool or some shit. If you’re going to say “F-body” then call Vettes “Y-bodies” too.