I’m looking to get the racing seat I use in the lexus reupholstered in black vinyl/leather/pleather which ever will hold up best and be reasonable and look the way I want it to. Anybody know of any automotive upholsters locally?
Looking to take a seat like this

and get it done with a pattern like this (not suede though) with no branding or embroiderd name

A Izzo in schenectady. I haven’t used them but i have heard good things. I need to get my floormats in there to get them done soon
george’s on rt2 rite before you get into watervliet. They have done numerous jobs for us
He did an awesome job on soft top for my dad’s sl.
Bring it to Joe Jiggs. He’s a member on here.
soft n’ cushy on state street in schenectady is a great place to look into as well.
full of mexicans and sewing machines, so you know they can get shit done…
-serious post FYI-