avast slowing internet

i had received some trojans and viruses . i have seemed to removed all of them using mutiple programs such as antispyware, malwarebytes, and avast. any time i have advast running real time protection it slows my internet down to the point of my web browser will not even load the home page for a while and it takes a while for other sites to load as well. it doesnt effect any thing else but the internet and is starting to become a pain. i have looked around and some others seem to have the same problem. im thinking maybe avast is conflicting with one of the other programs. im thinking about just removing advast but im worried about not having real time protection. any thoughts ?

i didnt like avast. i ended up with avg, tho its different coverage, it works.

I’ve used Avast for years and I’ve only found that is slows down the web when downloading torrents or movies from Blockbuster online. If I notice the speed slowing and the tray icon spinning like mad, I simply disable it until my download is done. Other than that I like it and it isn’t a resource hog :tup:

You’re problem might be that you have another active scanner or spyware / virus software running at the same time. I only run other software once every few weeks but keep Avast on all the time by itself.

I use AVG and I have not really noticed any slowing of anything.

To add to what josh said, you should really only have one virus program installed at a time. I am saying this on hearsay, but everytime I talk to a computer nerd about something like this they tell me to run a program dump it out and install a different one.

Weird if you ask me, but I have only ever had one major issue going by this method.

maybe thats it… i have a couple other programs also like spysweeper ,pc anti virus , ect… but they have all expired. maybe later ill remove all of them and reload avast… and see if that helps.