computer guru's:

Whats the best free virus scan unit I can download? My comp seems to be not fast any more.

Why you no call me holmes? I’ll come check it out if you want.

Anyways, I use AVG on my computer without any real issues. You probably just have a bunch of shit all over and it’s cluttering the hard drive up. And the case could probably use cleaned out.

AVG for sure. Try defragmenting your hard drive too…that’s one of the biggest system slow down culprits.

goto products / free home edition

x2. AVG has worked weel for me.

if only it had spell check also. :bigok:

i was just thinking about my computer running super slow. ill have to check this out also. thanks guys.


I didn’t want anyone to have to come check it out cause I don’t want people to know that I look at porn so much. :boink

how does one defrag a hard drive?

Right click on “My Computer”. Select “Manage”. Select “Disk Defragmentation”. Select “Defragment”. Let it run until finished (4 hours or so usually for an average size disk I guess). Don’t interupt it while its running.

Thanks man

No problem. Let us know how it works after you defrag and run AVG.


4 hours with out porn??? not gonna happen! :bukkake:

Download and run Ccleaner, too. Other people here are all about it, it’s a great product for cleaning the normal JUNK from your Windows OS.

x2, I did it to mine and the difference was huge

<3 CCleaner. Just make sure when you install it to uncheck the installation of the Yahoo toolbar.