I’ll say this…right or wrong the AWD guys are doing a better job of backing up their argument.

I think the RWD crew has conceded that AWD performs better in the wet, on dirt, or in any seriously traction limited situation. When it comes to smooth dry pavement it’s a tough argument. I’ve already said I like both.

It’s basically impossible to make a fair comparison. If you compare two different types of cars, one RWD and one AWD there are too many other variables. If you use an AWD car and make it RWD for testing there are other issues. For instance you could take an STi, run it around a road course in the dry with AWD like usual, then pull the front axles, diff, cap the tranny, and put a center spool in and run RWD and see what happens. People have done it and they say it’s fun for drifting and that’s about it. It’s considerably slower around a road course, but that’s not a fair test either because the suspension is set up for AWD. You’ll probably blow a rear end and axles in the process too…



Not as much shit to break, less tire wear, less friction, more power to the ground, more fun, better in 99% of race enviornments.


Some of your strengths are also weaknesses though.

Less tire wear on the front tires and more on the rears if we assume the same sizes tires all around on the same vehicle RWD vs. AWD.

More power to the ground…when you have traction and less power to the ground while you spin.

I think it’s safe to say the more the 1% of race surfaces are wet or have dirt on them Mike. :lol: