5th gear: GTI rapes WRX

wow… I was shocked, on this weeks 5th gear the current GTI raped the new wrx around the track despite being down on power and not having AWD…


AWD when you have less than 500 hp and dry pavement = wasted weight and parasitic driveline loss. AWD when you have 220-230 hp like the WRX = just stupid, except for low traction situations. I’ve said it over and over… I’d love a RWD WRX if you could eliminate all the fat from the un-needed AWD system (aka, not just disconnect the front driveshaft).

It would be faster, lighter, brake better, get better gas mileage and cost less.

Suprised a front driver was able to beat it though.

Having owned both cars… My gti(2006) out performed my wrx(2008) every where.
But one thing I disagree on, the wrx is infact lighter than the gti.

But again, the variables are great here… The gti comes with performance summer tires and the wrx comes with the shittiest tires out there.
throw a set of good tires and some sways on the wrx and watch the out come then

And then winter hit and the GTi is still stuck in the driveway…

there is maybe 5 days in the winter where you really need awd.

I have a fwd car and have never been stuck,

actually, I had a gti, lowered a bit with hakkaplitta (sp?) snowtires all the way around and that thing was nearly as good as my wrx in the snow with the stock all season tires on it.

the new wrx is soft

meh, not really. It’s the same or better than the previous.

since OP was too lazy to post vid

edit: the difference in stock tires is more than enough to offset 2 seconds around that track.

also, girls like VWs. That bitch was sandbagging.

awd sells cars.

otherwise I generally agree.

contrary to those on the AWD/RWD bandwagon, FWD isnt the worst thing in the world, especially for reasonable power racing. Given good differentials and a good suspension setup, a FWD car can and will be a blast on a track. try to put monster power down isnt possible though.




WTF are you talking about? My gti has to be the lowest around and with near bald snows it still makes snow it’s bitch.

In case you guys forgot, the test was a GTi with road tires VS. a WRX with all-seasons. If the WRX had road tires or the GTi had all-seasons, the GTi wouldn’t have won. Your arguments have no place here.

My BMW is the worst car I’ve ever driven in the snow but once I threw some studded snows on, I was able to pull people out of ditches. Everyone knows snow tires do wonders in snow, just like road tires do wonders on bare pavement. But the WRX is the only one here that can do exceedingly well in both with nothing but all-seasons.

Show me a proof for this. Until you can back that up, your babble is useless.

I would rather drive my dumped jetta on snows then my moms grand cherokee anyday of the week. Its amazing in the snow, never been stuck.


Put 3 cars together on any road course, minus gravel, equal weight, equalt power, similar suspension set ups. One FWD, 1 RWD and 1 AWD, which one comes in ahead?

Shows like 5th gear test cars as they are if you were to buy them off the showroom floor. The standard WRX comes factory with Bridgstone Potenza RE92A all seasons, the Golf GTi gets RE050 road tires.
