5th gear: GTI rapes WRX

Then what the hell were you trying to say? You’re not going to win this argument and you know it.

Get a wrx and I’ll track my gti against it. I’ll still come out ahead.

it depends. could go either way. you have it set in your mind that the FWD would get spanked even though this last test showed it differently. get a life you tard.


I was replying to someone elses post that said a GTI would get stuck in the snow.

I personally have the most say/experiance in this thread because I have OWNED or OWN BOTH of these cars.

Stock for stock the GTI>WRX in performance.
But, what makes the wrx so great is that it is SO under tuned from the factory…meaning, It comes with SHITTY tires, SHITTY suspension and this can be fixed easily and cheap. So, throw $1,000 at each car and the wrx WILL come out on top.

are you that naive? He is simplying stating that all seasons suck and road tires are better. Thus giving A (not “the”) great handling advantage to the VDumb. I agree both should be tested using the same tires for this exact reason.

No it didn’t, it shows a better tire will help a car perform better, when all things are not equal. Stop trying to defend dumping a shit ton of money in to your shit box by saying it will handle. FWD sucks for anything out side of a cheap disposable car to become a better driver on.

Put both tires on both and the outcome will be the same. the tires can’t make THAT much of a difference.

I’ll take that bet. Tires make a HUGE difference.

With them being both brand new sets? I don’t see with good drivers, how they can make that huge difference.

they do in Speed World Challenge Touring Car and the FWD cars have been consistently leading the pack. its like reliant_turbo said, all the platforms are pretty equal till you start upping the power levels.

Then you dont know anything about tire compounds. There is definitely seconds to be had between say a Cooper/Continental All Season and say an RE050A PP.

There are only two cars in the entire series that are NOT FWD. An IS300 and e46 325i. If you cant beat those in an RSX you shouldnt be doing competitive driving.

Tires will make the MOST difference. I bet if you took 2 gti’s or wrx’s, or ANY 2 of the same cars for that matter, and put different sets of tires on them, one high-perf, and one all-season, the lap times will differ by that much easily…

that is just like saying, let one car race on dry track and the other on a wet track… what? it can’t make that much of a difference.

Meh, I’m not going to claim I know everything, I know very little. I’ll learn it though.

Good to know though.

you cant be serious, just off the bat having a sticker tire will allow higher speeds in the corners dropping your over all times. thats just the begining. how can you even state this.

Can I state shut the fuck up? try it.
I JUST said I don’t know it all. I made a false assumption FUCKING SHOOT ME.


you have to be the dumbest fucking kid on here. stick to sucking dick because you dont know shit about cars.

I don’t know why everyone is so bumhurt, stock for stock the gti was faster at the track, period end of story. There is no point in using the “x will be faster with x amount of mods” argument because that wasn’t the point of the comparison in the show.

in the end its still just a Volkswagen. how does the r32 compare to the sti. thats the question i would rather see answered over the gti vs the wrx.

Date of Birth:May 22, 1984Age:23Grow the fuck up.
“My honda WAS the fastestest everrrr”

You didn’t even build it, and you’re likely still paying it off. and YOU have the nerve to call me the dumbest kid on here?

Thank you for making my ignore list grow yet again.

Why so if the r32 was faster you could use your “it’s still a vw” logic? Some of you are plain retarded when it comes to brands.