5th gear: GTI rapes WRX

im glad you know my age. you know nothing about my build. i did build it and ya im still paying it off how did you guess. how do you even know i owed money on it? werent you all over my dick when you saw my civic at the track? youre a bitch, know your place and shut your mouth.

oh and

My god you’re mature. I’m sorry if I have some acne. Because I can really change my genetics and shit, right?

All over your nuts? I asked if it was your car you dumb fuck.

Grow up. Seriously. You’re pathetic.

So says the guy who doesn’t know what he was talking about, but decided to partake anyway? :bloated:

lol we have a internet tough guy here…watch out!!! he knows everything about everyones financial situation with their cars. next time you see me, please let me know im pathetic.

Will do. when do you work? I’ll come by and tell you that.

Internet tough guy…look who’s talking.

i didn’t say i would do anything did it? ill probably just laugh at you and continue to make fun of you

K. You do that.
You weren’t young and JUST like me once.

i wasnt young? was i born at the age of 23? i was never like you. i followed through on my projects.

I’m sorry I’m indecisive and POOR.
We can’t all have fat wallets.

Just from playing fucking Gran Turismo i know that softer/stickier tires are far superior to their hard/non sticky counterparts.

Any sports tire will be far superior to any all season tire.

Fucking christ.

thats not my problem.



its not my problem you’re poor. i didn’t bring up the fact you’re poor. i brought up the fact i am not like you because i finish my projects.

are you honestly that dumb you can comprehend that?

This forum needs a SPO


Can you comprehend that?

its apples and oranges when it comes down to it, to get this back on track- i prefer a gti, i like the build quality and i like the comfort, i think it looks better too. 2 years ago i had 2 cars picked out- 2002 GTI 1.8t or a 2002 WRX. i picked the gti for the same reasons i would pick a 2008 gti to a 2008 wrx, personal prefrence. if i lived near miles of twisty dirt roads things would be different…

Is there seriously 3 pages resulting from people talking about tires? It should have ended with this post.

wah wah wah,… can you comprehend that?

Yeah, it means “I have no good comebacks for this kid anymore.”

lol comebacks? do i need them? you’re making fun of yourself and all i hear is your fucking crying because you’re a bitch. don’t get mad at me because your poor and stupid. don’t make dumb comments and you wont be made fun of.