b-ri's del sol Si Nick alero wanna be build thread

well you must be a giant cause im 5’8 and when the seats all the way back i can’t even touch the pedals. and as for the stock seats, there designed by recaro and are comfy as fawk for my arse

My friend is 6’2" and he drove a Del Sol for years.

I’m 6’0"…stock Si seats in the one I sat in. I moved it all the way back too. Uncomfy. My miata wasn’t much better though

I was never really a big fan of the del sol… but it looks pretty nice

thank you as long as your not the street sweeper that gives me 30 dollar tickets every Wednesday morning…then fuck you

Just rip them up.

fuckkk i hate wednesdays another $35 to troy

What the hell. Park in Price Chopper overnight or something bro

Can you do me a huge favor and get the measurement from one of the rear jack points to the ground? Your car seems to be the typical non-slammed ride height…

I will get that for you friday when I am at the shop (where the car is currently) and text ya. :number1

awesome, thanks.

i just have to park on the opposite side of the street that day. i just forget cause my work schedule is so random

everything worked out better than expected

welll some updates, krazy kid and i built a 2.5 inch header back stainless exhaust with an s2000 resonator and magnaflow muffler, sounds great and looks even better. its not too loud outside but is loud in the cab…go figure. mikes a great guy does great work. the resonator scrapes on the ground alot cause its an odd shape, so i think im gunna replace it with something a different shape and hopefuly quites her down some. i also went a picked up these yesterday, with plans to refinish them. they are 2 piece ssr watanabe rs8 wheels.

two of them won’t come apart any suggestions?



I was going to say fire, because it works for everything else.

Not sure what to tell you though; are the bolts seized, or are the rim halves just stuck together…?

i haven’t even tried myself, but all the bolts are out, from what im reading, a little heat does the trick.

shouldve just bought rotas

am i missing something? do old school jdm wheels suck now? dammit im always late on the trends. i got these for less than you can find rotas used