B18 C1 Main Bearing clearence Question.

I have a B18C1 with main clearences of +.004" on the first journal and +.0035" on the others, AERA has the max at 2.3237". Clevite and federal mogul do not make oversize bearings. Is it possible to take out the main dowel pins to file them down to make the clearence. The crank is within spec. Any comments would be appreciated.

woohh man, take it to a machine shop and get it lined and spec’d.

I had turdteg’s b18c1 motor done at Pittsburgh Crank and my clearances came out within .0002" between all the mains.

Not the answer I was lookin for. And .0002" or .002"? That is not much clearance especially on a boosted motor.

was anything machined at all? nothing wrong with OEM bearings.

98% of all built honda motors use stock OEM bearings just color match to your crank/rod combo or get it as close as possible.

Color match? You guys are missin the point. It is a street motor can’t have that much clearance.

wtf are u talken about gangsta, hahaha buy acls, spec em then if to far order oems

Here is a chart of Honda B series bearing thickness by color. To calculate actual bearing clearance, use the following formula:
BC = IDBT – ODC – (2 x BT)

BC = bearing clearance
IDBT = inside diameter of bearing tunnel (housing bore)
ODC = outside diameter of crank journal
BT = bearing thickness

Main Bearing thickness by color
Blue 2.013-2.010 mm 0.0793”- 0.0791”
Black 2.010-2.007 mm 0.0791”- 0.0790”
Brown 2.007-2.004 mm 0.0790”- 0.0789”
Green 2.004-2.001 mm 0.0789”- 0.0788”
Yellow 2.001-1.998 mm 0.0788”- 0.0787”
Pink 1.998-1.995 mm 0.0787”- 0.0785”
Red 1.995-1.992 mm 0.0785”- 0.0783”

Rod bearing thickness by color
Blue 1.510-1.507 mm 0.0594”- 0.0593”
Black 1.507-1.504 mm 0.0593”- 0.0592”
Brown 1.504-1.501 mm 0.0592”- 0.0591”
Green 1.501-1.498 mm 0.0591”- 0.0590”
Yellow 1.498-1.495 mm 0.0590”- 0.0589”
Pink 1.495-1.492 mm 0.0589”- 0.0587”
Red 1.492-1.489 mm 0.0587”- 0.0586”

Although most people do not have inside micrometers, bearing micrometers or snap gauges, you can still use this chart when using plastigage to check bearing clearance. If you want to increase or decrease a bearing clearance, you can calculate how much of a color change is necessary by looking at the changes on the chart. Remember you can mix colors for even a more fine-tuning but it would not be wise to jump more than one color. In other words, do not mix a brown and yellow bearing together to equal a green clearance value. Just use the greens together. It is ok to mix a green with a yellow or a green with a brown. When doing your rebuild and replacing bearings with like colors, you still must check your results with plastigage to be sure. Don’t assume anything. Also remember, when swapping to aftermarket rods, throw the color codes away as they will not work anymore. You need to start from scratch to obtain your desired clearance. On the other hand, you really cannot measure accurately to the nearest .0001” without machinist quality tools, so don’t get carried away on that last one ten thousandth of an inch variance.
there u go this should answer your question and if doesent, kill yourself


use OEM. you can get pretty much get the exact clearence you want. even if you need to have them oversized. what’s the difference if its a street motor? if it was a race motor with other variables i could kinda see a need for aftermarket bearings, but for a street motor i believe you are kinda foolish in trying to fit something else in there. just use OEM to what ever spec you need. how can you argue with factory honda reliability? do you have any arguement against the OEMs?

Eat it Toby. And no but but there are no bearings that oversize .0025". If so give me a number I will take them.

:slight_smile: eat it? answer the question. has anything been machined? how about giving some more info on the shit then. if shit is still stock you can use the stock stampings. shit even if you aligned the mains you should know by how much and use that info to get close on the first try and go from there. good luck trying to get as many options in the aftermarket as the OEM offers.

p.s. all your smart-ass comments can suck my crank and so can you. :slight_smile:


Thanks for the help :puke: