B18 Questions

You just said you have no money…hmmmm…
so ahh… your best bet would be a b18b engine and then save up for a turbo…
I would suggest if youre gonna drag either a b16 or b18c tranny…The LS just dont cut it…

You can do the swap yourself, instead of having a shop do it for ya…If you need help with the swap, hit me up…I’ve done plenty…I’d be more than happy to help…as long as you have :beer2: 's for me… no charge…lol

have you looked into a b18c swap instead of the c5?..check out http://hmotorsonline.com/ I bought a b18c and a b18b engine swap from them…Never had a problem…and for any other Honda info you can check out
http://hondaswap.com/ They have a lot of useful info…

Good luck…