Baby is here!

ok well some know some dont. just wanted to get it out there.

my baby was due dec 22nd but do to some problems they are going to induse her tonight at 8pm. so baby will be comming by late tonight or tomorrow.

ill be gone for a few days and ill post some pics up once we get home…

cheers and see everyone in a few days :slight_smile:

Mods your incharge now.

Congrats Rick!
Hope all goes well. Merry X-mas!!

make sure you to name your baby alex. otherwise i will be very disappointed. congrats rick!!!

no no no name you baby Onimusha…no …James…no…Samson…no…Akira…no…Trevor…no…Kazz

yaaa that has a good ring to it Keeyo as in Tokeyo or
dirka dirka
no no
Tanaka…no no
Yoshino…no no
then you can relate s he will have the same problems with the name game song you did!

“chuck chuck bo buck bannana fanna fo f!!”

call m eif you need a smoke break or something im 2 blocks away

edit: I awsnerd my own question

congrats on being a dad!

Name is Jeramy…u know you wanna! Anyway good luck man!

lol his name is Damian Alexander (alexander is my bros second name)

nice name rick! congrats!

Name it something really white like Tyron or something, Leeroy.

ah ****ing boltonites

please explain Biggie smalls

OH NO He has alex in his name, make sure he never touches assass1n alex or he may get the motor clap too lols

hehehe. stop denying it. you put alex there just for me. lol

Most likely because Alex hooked you up with that baby for a wicked deal, it’s what Alex does.

Damian is traditionally the name of the son of Satan…so its fitting…lol

ssshhh. no one is supposed to know. :slight_smile:

hahahaha wow. Saw that one coming from a mile :stuck_out_tongue:

baby was born today 2:58 am dec 8th… healthy baby boy. so damn cute ill post pics once i can. she had a c section so we at the hospital till monday…


congrats buddy!

congrats dude