BAC Members, step on in...

Long story short, I have a two year membership with the BAC and I’d like to cancel my membership without having to lie about moving or getting a medical waiver.

I’m willing to pay a cancellation fee, but I was told that it was not possible to do so. I’ve read the membership contract quite a few times now, just wondering if any of you have successfully cancelled a membership there.

(Also, I can afford the payments, I just would like to eliminate unneeded debt, I don’t use the gym)

You can cancel but good luck.

They are shady as hell and short of cancelling the card you’re charged on they will keep billing you.

The only part of the contract I can see being an actual out is this: “If the club determines in its sole discretion, that the exclusion or inclusion of the member imposes a burden upon the club not contemplated by the club, the club may, at its own option, by giving written notice to the member, cancel this membership agreement, and refund a pro-rated portion of the member dues, excluding any portion of such members initiation and membership fee.”

Who wants to dress up like power rangers and annoy the hell out of everyone working there?

That’s definitely an unforeseen burden lol.

Ya you can cancel your contract.

Just add up the number of months you have left and multiply that by the price you pay per month. That is your cancelation fee.

I personally hate the BAC. I finally ended my last contract a month ago and will never join them again.

LOL @ boxxa’s math


Who does their debit? ABC Financial?