All you members, have fun trying to cancel your membership if you ever need to. what a fucking process…

Notes for reference:

No one there knows what the fuck they are talking about.
Expect different answers from different people from the same question.

Only the manager can cancel your membership. No idea why.

She wants it in FUCKING WRITING.

She wants it in FUCKING PERSON.

She doesn’t return calls.

Her staff does not know the hours she works. (FYI, it’s 9-7 M,T,W, and 9-6 T,F, no weekends for that gal!)

best part: my bill cycle date has past since starting this process! Yay! Another month paid for that I wont use!

:fu: :fu: :fu: :fu: :fu: :fu: :fu: :fu: :fu: :fu: :fu: :fu: :fu: :fu: :fu: :fu: :fu: :fu:

They must figure if you’re lazy enough to not use your membership, that you’ll also be lazy enough to not want to chase the manager in order to cancel your membership. lol

It’s not that I don’t workout, I’m at the gym 5-6 nights a week. It’s that I moved and joined a different gym.

I told them to fuck with you since you left me there.

Ah word. :tup:

you never went anyways :thankyou:

too busy not building a smoker

Bro I don’t get there till 9:30. You had already hopped off your thighmaster and gone home by then. :zong:

Sterling’s gonna get that shit by the weekend and finish it up :tup:




On a related note, dear God my stomach’s doing vile things today. Smoked myself out of my own damn office a couple of times. That’s gotta be the whey coming back to haunt me…


Drew cleared the garage out last night it was so bad.

Is this the same gym that makes you pay $150 to cancel your membership? My mom went there when she lived in Amherst and now she lives in Derby and they won’t let her cancel because she moved.

probably, but I only signed a 12 month contract and I’ve been there almost 2 years.

You can sell the remainder of your contract to someone else for a $50 fee, supposedly. I signed a 3 year deal a year ago.

ugh, I wouldn’t even want to think about what kind of hoops they would make you go through for that.

Probably be easier to just change the account number it deducts from. :snky:

LOL! now shes telling me due to their 30 day notice policy, I’ll be billed for November too!

Sounds like its time to call HSBC…