Back to Work I go :-(

Yeah it was fun the first year, now that I have been to just about everywhere in Europe, it’s not that fun anymore, now I’m just here for the money. It does get exhausting, sometimes I feel like I’m in “The Amazing Race” it’s like make the flight, then make another flight, do this and that, take the train, take a cab, do this and that, rent a car, go somewhere and do this and that, leave it at the airport, take another flight, take a cab go do this and that, take another flight, rent a car, go do this and that, then take the ship, then take a cab go here and there, go to the airport take another flight, rent a car, go do this and that, make the train, go here and there, and well you get the picture.
There are someplaces that are so beautiful and I don’t get the time to fully see them so every time I go I have to see a little at a time. I have been to Paris 3 times I have only went sight seeing once for like an hour. I went to Rome twice, I saw nothing! I flew in took the cab to where I had to go, did my job and flew out 4 hours later. Only when I have time I rent a car so I can drive around and see a few things.
This time I will get a chance to see England because I get a car as soon as I get to London and I am driving to all the places I need to go.
The thing that sucks about England is that everytime I pull out of a parking lot or something, I always forget they drive on the left and I have a bad habbit of going for the right lane LOL …I almost got into an accident there last time. I went straight for the right lane when I made a left turn and there was aguy coming straight for me, I was lucky he was far so I had enough time to get into the left lane.
Driving in paris sucks, the roads are so confusing if you don’t have a navigation system your screwed there.
I like driving in Austria, Germany, Italy and Greece. Right now I’m at the internet cafe waiting for the ship to arrive to take me to Athens so I still have about an hour to kill. I think I’m gonna play some Command and conquer Generals “Zero Hour” It’s old but I love that game.