Badass Auto Pictures Thread*

I like the last 2… dislike the rest haha

Haha @ cholo valve cover.

SO FUCKING GAY. Holy shit.

obv car isn’t done but to interesting to not post.

What’d that guy just get done cycling in the Tour de France?

^ lol

F20 or F22 in the Datsun?

actually k20…

yeah kramer posted the start up vid… curious as to why they went that route

the toyota truck flows pretty well

K20A with unknown (to me) turbo, s2k tranny with custom adapter. guy said he’d have track vids and stuff in a week or two, it’s a drift car

^copper intercooler piping?

looks like it to me

hope yota truck has 2jz

you would

i <3 1st gen celicas

holy rear diffuser batman