Badass Auto Pictures Thread*

with the size of those shades i’d say he just came back from his vacation in jersey.

Thats a ugly ass dude right there. Looks like a caveman. Betcha he wouldn’t bang Lindsay Lohan, he’s way too good for her too.

^ wrong thread.

Couldn’t decide where to post them

they belong, sure they could go in other threads too but they are good.

im pretty sure the watermark shows you where to post them.

<3 those Audis

saudis in audis

so sick

I just shit myself. <3 those whips

Best use of TE37’s I’ve ever seen. Pretty slick looking.

Same here.
That Tundra will never get old. Clean, simple, and still you can’t stop staring at it.

e91 m3 wagon

BMW should seriously start making those.
The silver one someone posted before looked really good too.

it was me.

Only shot I can get my hands on at this time, Im awaiting more and in a larger size:

Wheels are ADV1’s