Still got that blanket in my civic! It went from my Colt to my Civ to my Tsi and back to my Civ. Ya never know when you’ll need an authentic genuine Mexican blanket hech en Mexico by real life Mexicanos. Ya never fuckin know.
It might end up in my Cobra some day… The blanket chooses the car. I just listen
Awesome color. Wing almost ruins it though
Yeah. Brandon Jacobs new car.
The Giants old running back?
look at that ass…
brandon jacobs is def an assman.
seeing that thing draped over the rear seat in the colt made me LOL hard on the way to class at hvcc every day.
That is BADASS.
I would have loved to do something like that.
Is this a factory M color?
Looks awesome.
looks like Signal Green
Anyone have any more pictures or information on this beast? PM me if so plz…
I’ll see if I can get some info. The truck is in NC iirc and gets driven around like it’s a fucking honda or something :rofl
skimpy ass frame.