
They’re with me at work near the galleria mall. There are a few different kinds.

I have about 150, come take as many as you want.

Why do you have 150 Bagels? Delivery to 505 Duke Rd?

I’m hungry, I want one damnit. But I’m at work. :frowning:

They were a gift. They’re delicious. Bring your own bag, tho, because they’re in a bulk bag.

Who gives 150 bagels as a gift!!!

is shipping available?

how many have you ate so far?

im saying

id take 4 onion and 4 everything , but i cant drive way the hell out there.

  1. I’m going to jam a bunch in my freezer, but there’s no way they will all fit.

for ref:

The proximity to those shoes kinda weirds me out


lol. i want to hear the story…

My guess… you went down to the local grocery store, raided the dumpster and too all the old bakery goods…

or your friends have weird “gift” tastes.

Willing to part the top halves of 6 bagels?

hahaha ill take the bottom halves for my dog lol

i’ll part w/ the top half of 60.

They’re not dumpster bagels, but I did do that a lot in college.

:lol: would you trade for a rabbit or 2 turtles?

I heard if you bring a bag of 150 bagels to Wegmans you get a free keg.


I gave about 30 away to guys I work with.

:highfive: ahahaha