Ball Hair /Shaft Hair v. hair removal

Sideburn attachment from cheap electric razor provides a good trim, manual razor and gel if you want it smooth.

too much work. just take a hot shower first, the hot water softens the hair and opens the pores on your skin. then shave, and rinse with cold water (yes it sucks but closes the pores and keeps it smoother longer with less irritation.

I second that, and a little patience.

Be really careful with an electric clipper (if u trim first) on ur bag. Its easy to get a wrinkle caught in the teeth. Hurts like a bitch and bleeds even worse.

ya word :banghead:

If you mash the razor down… But if you are gentle it’s no problem

be a man and just dont shave.

waxing doesn’t hurt at all. just do that and post the results.

:highfive: lol I also posted this as I was walking out the door at work … wanted it to steep a lil befor I got to it

she thinks i cant have any hair and she waxes on a reg … thought we could get a group disco

dude you have been told by many people to shave your shit

i am proud of my bush and it will never be removed under any circumstances.

I’m just amazed at how many people want pics :gay:

lol my “MANGINA” is fucking hot

I have shave the pubes twice ever, once when I was like 15 and that bled real bad, lol. I did it again just recently and it wasnt bad, it just looked stupid and itched a lot.

I shave the balls and shaft with mach3 and barbasol every time I shave, pull whatever taught and go for it, the pubes gets a #1 or #2 on the clippers every once in a while. I am due, its starting to curl. lol.

I also do my arms, legs, chest hair, and pits… gotta keep house ya know.

I hope that threads like this become less common in nyspeed v2.0 :picard:

Just saw this on another forum.

/thread you’re welcome kbye