Banned Books

I agree for the most part. I don’t agree about religon/church though.

I was taught right from wrong and I am now teaching that to my kids(without church or god). I have been told by a few people that I am too hard on my kids, but yet I always get compliments on how well behaved and polite my kids are. If they don’t say “thank you” when someone gives them something, they get smacked. I haven’t had to smack them in a while and they are only 4 and 3 years old. I also have had old lady’s yell at me for spanking my kids in Target before. If they screw up, they get spanked plain and simple. Parents, for the most part, are such pussies anymore.

And if that wasn’t off topic enough, try this one. :smiley: I was at the county airport for the air show last weekend and they had a paper airplane contest. My kids were in the K-4 grade level and they were supposed to help make the plane. I basically let my kids do whatever the hell they wanted to do with the plane and they had fun making the planes and trying them out. Some other fuckhead parents were there building elaborate planes for their kids and getting mad when they didn’t go as far as the parent thought they should. I saw a dad make his kid cry because his plane got ruined by another kid stepping on it, his dad flipped out because it was a “great paper airplane” as he put it. Let the kids be kids and quit making everything so damn competitive.
