Barak Hussein Obama - Truths

You are being pretty short-sided on a lot of these claims. The 9/11 attacks came just 3 months after Bush took office, so it’s not like he caused al-Qaeda to attack.

In addition, you need to recognize that Bill Clinton didn’t create the 1990’s economy, and George Bush didn’t cause the current market collapse. There is an entire industry and indeed a large portion of Congress that had plenty to do with getting us where we are.

Also, Obama doesn’t magically mean Iraq goes away, though his agenda is to leave sooner rather than later, and BOTH candidates have said we still need to go to Afghanistan next, so neither candidate is ending our campaign in the Middle East.

As for the “bailout,” you have two houses of Congress that have to pass that legislation and the only thing Bush can do is veto or sign it. There are some sophisticated economic principles in play and it’s not as simple as “gas used to be cheap and now it’s expensive, republicans ruin everything!”

For the record, I have never supported George Bush nor do I support John McCain’s bid for the presidency.