Barak Hussein Obama - Truths

Can you tell the difference between these two things?

LIES! true conservatives want to legalize drugs. on social issues? I’m against social security and welfare. I’d like to see them both outright abolished. Don’t think that’s overly liberal. I do believe that in the 21st century, when people are sick, we as a society have a debt to take care of them.

Guns - very much against Obama
Foreign policy - very much for him (non-interventionist, anti-war)

Money - i think free trade is evil and is a big part of what’s ruining our economy. Armstrong county’s two biggest employers (Eljer and Kensington Windows) have both just recently closed up shop and shipped all of their jobs to China. Thousands here are now without jobs. People I know, and people I meet just about every day through my job. Why? So we can buy a toilet or windows for $20 cheaper. I also think we should end the fed, and many of the libertarian policies.

I’m not a dyed in the wool Libertarian, but I am by far mostly aligned with them. But thanks so much to all of you toolbags for trying to tell me where my actual political views are, since you’d know better than myself. :greddy: