Barry Bonds to Boycott Hall of Fame

You’ve got to be voted in, right? He’s not really on anyone’s gotta-get-him-in list.

Baseball is damn boring, If all the players where juiced up and on crack, would be interesting.

Just let 'em keep the bat as they run the bases. “You gonna tag me out?”


all drug league sounds great, i wanna see guys hit 800 ft homers and their hearts explode as they cross the plate.

all drug league sounds great, i wanna see guys hit 800 ft homers and their hearts explode as they cross the plate.



I’ll sign that petition, that sounds awesome.

“I don’t think you can put an asterisk in the game of baseball, and I don’t think that the Hall of Fame can accept an asterisk,” Bonds said. “You cannot give people the freedom, the right to alter history. You can’t do it. There’s no such thing as an asterisk in baseball.”

You’re right Barry, and there’s no such thing as asterisk’s in Baseball. There’s also not supposed to be any cheating. It sickens me that baseball would even DREAM of letting that fucking piece of shit into the Hall of Fame.

They should treat cheating like the Olympics. If you get caught, you’re done. Medal stripped, no accolades, live out the rest of your life in shame, etc.

I agree

But then you would have to strip the Patriots of their superbowls and probably every person/team who ever played in professional sports.

Was Bonds ever found to be taking a banned substance? I thought the things he took were not banned yet and were not in the rule book. If that’s the case, he should have a clean slate.

I hate baseball, but records are made to be broken and everyone seems to want to glorify the older players instead of praising the ones we have now. :dunno:

the nfl hall is no better, they let freakin LT in. He’s another one, probably woulda been one of the best ever regardless but being coked up a lot sure helped. anywhere there is money to be made there is massive amounts of coruption. from MLB to Little league there are certain amounts of coruption.

people hate conseco but atleast he can admit he cheated.

did bonds take an illegal substance during the years it was illegal?

I have seen people bulk up a lot more than that over a few years without taking anything.

Your right the substance he was taking was not on the MLB banned substance list at the time. However it was illegal by the federal governments standards. So as far as I am concerned it was a banned substance. Also in MLB bylaws when they list the substances banned it also says something like any other uncontrolled substances that may enhance performance. So basically everything illegal is banned.

x2 MLB rules dont say anything against murder but its assumed because its the laws of the land.