Baseball / Softball team thread for Shift518

those are actually good numbers, i have to say specially for someone on a d-line…i wouldnt fuck with you in a rink, but i have zero hockey experience…but like ive been arguing u really shouldnt act all that cocky…first off this is shift518 the point of this thread was to start up some bullshit teams for us fat washed up fucks to get off our asses and get some fresh air instead of inhailing gasoline and carbon monoxide…but if we were to enter any serious kind of league we might as well play well…well in my opinion travis you would be one good attribute to the team but thats no reason to act like your dick is three feet long and your a pro ball player because your not…i played and had a scholarship for college baseball at St rose…not a great baseball school but division 2 none the less and i got 5 grand a semester to do so…and i have all of the paperwork pics and records to prove it…so if you wanna have a contest do it with someone thats actually worthy, not kramer…and do it in another thread.