Baseball / Softball team thread for Shift518

my legs are super soar, i haven’t run liek that in forever. Other than just Old bastard pains i’m good. Knee wasn’t even swollen last night. I’ll be ready for next week.

Kdubs - i don’t believe we will be in need of anything else? unless i forgot something?

Or could have something to do with you don’t work out and you were using muscles that never get used so they are soar from being overworked… just a thought?

k… sounds good … Maybe I will grab a bunch of water for everybody or something…

good call i was thinking that too!

I have to head to BJ’s tomorrow anyways I will just grab a flat of water…

It was nice meeting everyone. I’m definitely out of shape. Hopefully next week I won’t be completely hungover and worthless…

I can make some treats to bring as well :slight_smile:

LOL… gym this week? :tongue

mmm… treats!!! :hug

nothng fattening… i dont needa get any more outta shape

Considering the shape you are in something fattening can’t do much damage… try working out lol

fuck man. i wanna play.

So come play on Sunday!


LOL! This +1 x 1,000,000!

MM… I vote for brownies or Chocolate chip cookies!!!

Trying to get Matt, Martina, and Brewer to play this Sunday too…we will see if anything develops.

I vote for an oxygen tank for Travis :haha



Hellz no. Make me apple crisp…