Baseball / Softball team thread for Shift518

i dont have time for this chicken shit bull shit

Apparently you do since you are reading/posting

ok now that evryone knows that im short jacked tan and drink yagerbombs…we need to get enough people otherwise this is gonna be a waste of time.

Iceman laying down the law

dustin shall be replying here shortly…

get duke laduke in on this so people can tackle him

yo yo im game, i got pre season training at 11 so if im not to hung over and beat ill take a plane to fuckin schalmont to school dudes in ball? its really 2 hand gay touch?

thats right baby

wats iceman sean?

im a prophet…

im the iceman kidddd lol

dusty i aint playing tackle ball with you motherfucker!

im game lol

:rofl can’t argue that


mcflurry is a good possibility… has to get his knee checked with docs tomorrow… if cleared he says he’s in.

why??? i wouldnt try to hurt anyone just wanna play football the right way not the girly way lol

2pm is way too late for me. I have to work at 5. Would need to start at like noon. If we can do noon I have myself +1 so far…working on a third also.

bro i had knee surgery not that long ago… not looking to end up back in the OR

Anyone care to comment on time?

i would much rather do a nooner myself bro… that’s going to remove dusty and pauly though