Basil Ford in Cheektowaga.

Funny thats so true… I’ve convinced one person to drive to rochester to go to a dealer to buy a car becouse i was pissed at the 2 local ones lol


if a warranty doesn’t cover a repair, who’s obligation is it to pay for the repairs?

is it the writers fault that the warranty place closes early on saturday? no

is it the writers fault for not calling prior to that? yes

its not the writers fault if a warranty company refuses to cover a repair…these people work normal business hours like the majority of the rest of the world…

what most fail to realize is that UNTIL a warranty company decides to cover a repair, the diagnostics and related charge are on the customer. technicians don’t work for free and most businesses aren’t around to just give things away

i HATE extended warranty companies…only b/c they often fail to relay to the customer what is and what is not covered, leaving the customer to be mad at the service writer who is simply relaying a message


I’ve been around service contracts my whole life. So I know a thing or two about them.

If this was warranty work there should have been no problems, my guess is that your “warranty” is a service contract.

Hopefully the work wasn’t done prior to authorization.

you ever see the contract you have to sign? its all there customers are just dumb sometimes and fail to read.

chuck basil’s a good guy :slight_smile:

gots a nice fox too.

chuck, btw, been busy lately but stop by one of these weekends

I’m not being rude but what I don’t get here is that I am a member, advertiser and an owner of a Basil Dealership and you never told me you had any issues? I’ve helped you out with some questions and things before, I would have gladly done whatever I can to help out this time. Instead of bashing my uncle’s store you could have just asked for help and you know I would help, obviously my cousin has offered to do what he can. You have Chuck on the case and he’ll get back there and kick some butts for you. Sometmes all it takes is to make a phone call and clear up a simple misunderstanding or miscommunication. If you need anything else, please don’t be afraid to give me a call/PM

David Basil

And yes Turbo…there are Basil’s everywhere… we even watch you when your sleeping…


what about when i do that other thingy? :wink:

how can you hate them? their product was/is sold by a dealer (usually the one you bought the car from). i would direct my hate towards the dealer (actually the sales rep) that didn’t properly explain, or just flat out lied about the product they were selling.

this is not about BASIL

but just talking about the warranty that sales just sells it and does not know anything about it

you hit it right on the head there guy… when me and the wife got your van we were told everything is covered but …tires belts and breaks…oh and oil… so 95 days after buying …lemon only 90 days the air bag light and check engine light came on and you cant open tail gate anymore… service dude " well if you look at you contract it states air bags not covered" me and wife we never got a contract… service guy “sorry you should have”…blah blah ok dont fix air bag but get my light checked and open my tailgate…4 hours later … well our techs dont have the right tools to do the work you need to take is to transittown… but you need to pay for the 4 hours labor here and we will send it next week for you… oh here is a rental car but you can only put 50 miles on it and every mile after that is $.25… well i live 65 miles from here… service guy " not my problem" so i get van back 3 weeks later full of junk ( like tim’s and BK)and ask them to clean they would not and … $$1000 later b/c only a $4 switch was covered buy this great warranty…

:spunk: oh no :jawdrop:

i hate them b/c i am the service manager who gets blamed for every problem not covered by their “bumper to bumper” service contract

i love the notion of extended service contracts, but i moreso hate DEALING with them. i would much rather be in a “warranty work only” or “customer pay only” shop and not deal with extended warranties.

GRANTED, the good warranty companies will shell out the money for repairs, but the problem is that there are so many hack warranty companies that rip people off, and i have to be the person who tells them “sorry, your warranty isn’t worth dick”…i get that immediate rage, not the person who sold the contract

I haven’t owned a domestic, and likely never will. But from what I have seen on here on several occasions the Basil family is an extremely stand up bunch of individuals. If I ever look to buy a car, or know someone who is looking I’m going to direct them to you guys. Seriously. :tup:

well you are in luck, Basil Toyota in Lockport and many imports at the Basil Resale Centers

+1… along with the one on Sheridan dr.

When I had my truck, $9k in (extended) warranty work with in 2 years and they fought me every step of the way.

Keep sending me those sales events in the mail, you haven’t got a prayer.

Oh who woulda known, lol. The only dealerships close to me are west herr and gillogily.

fuck gillogly…i hope that place burns down.