Battery Backup Geek Squad

Friend bought a Geek Squad 875va Battery Backup for her PC.

I set it up, it worked for a couple days, and now, the PC doesnt recognize it.

The unit sohws that there are loads on the battery, and the unit works.

But the software doesnt recognize that the unit is plugged in. I can’t Autotest or anything.

I checked all the connections, and unplugged, rebooted everything.

Is there a special Geek Squad password or something to get they’re stuff to work?

I don’t know… did you call the geek squad?

Do you use Windows Vista on the computer with this battery?

I’ve been having similar problems with a battery on my Mom’s PC. For hers unplugging the UPS or rebooting works. But within the hour the software says it looses connection to the battery. Its not a Geek Squad battery but maybe they just relabel another brand?

It worked great when I tested it on an XP machine though.