So i go to boost my friends jeep cuz his battery was dead. I hook up my cables to my battery correctly, i hand him the other ends he puts his on. But he fucking puts them backwards and i didn’t notice. he tries to start his jeep no go, i see that his alternator is smoking, and i quickly unhook the cables from his battery. Could this of f*ed up my battery or alternator? they were crossed for about 10-15 seconds.
You should be ok. This happens at my work from time to time. Usaly it just smokes the main fuse and then the car wont start. But some times it can smoke wires and electronic components. If your car is still runing fine and all your options are working then your ok. As for him there might me damage like the alt might of blown… some times this catches cars on fire as well. burns the starter + cable and then takes out the battery and can take out the whole car if the fires dose not get put out.
You should be good. He might be ok as well, but the ALT might have a shoter life now.
alright cool, thanks