Battlefield 3 12 Minute Gameplay

This game is nuts. I won’t be overhauling my PC as my current rig should run it just fine (I’m not an frame rate whore like you guys) but I can’t wait for this.

I rage when anyhing dips below say ~70FPS or s

60 looks fine to my eyes, but anything under 70-80FPS or so feels like a slug from my mouse

i’ve been playing Battlefield2 in my old tournament again lately… fucking rig smashes that game like its fucking pong :smiley:

100FPS all the time (max the game shows)

IDK how much longer the feed is going to be up but heres a life feed from the BF3 booth at E3 and people playing bf3

Dead unfortunately.

The had it recorder, if you click the link you can watch now and skip through :number1


Actually now that I think about it, whatever happened to “limited” health and need for healthpacks and having an according strategy? I remember first Halo had it and it disappeared soon after becoming full “shield”.

In the BF series games you can get shot 100 times and just wait a few seconds to recover to be fine again.

Also what’s up with the reminders to reload? You’re making the game realistic but you have to tell people to “press X” to reload or pop up on the screen over what gun they are standing instead of having people look down?


Well, being this is the first BATTLEFIELD with a true single player campaign… Bad Company (2) is its own beast so I’m not going to use that. I do not know vlad. When it comes to multiplayer, you get fucked up and you need healthpacks, which acording to the latest news in BF3 all rifelman will carry the ability to be a medic, but will have other option as well, so if you choose to use an M203 on your gun you will no longer have medic capabilities, and in hardcore modes you die very easily. Also a lot of FPS now with singleplayer still give you those ques and allow quick health regeneration after getting shot unless you choose the hardest modes in which case some are pretty bare bones.

Multiplayer seems to be getting less and less balanced as well.

With each new generation, me playing the same amount of time or even less I find ways to get my KTD up to new records just by learning maps and being strategic and setting myself a “solid” class.

M16 buddiezzzz just ask Boost Creep.

I wouldn’t be so damn risky and “hide” after a few shots to recover back to full health if they set up a health and start all over after 10 seconds as if I was never shot.

I think BF3 will set its self apart in that the battlefield will be constantly changing. With the uber destructable environments the static hiding positions can be turned into rubble eliminating the enemy inside but at the same time creating more hiding spots. Not to say there won’t be predictibility in the game but just less of it.

I re-installed BFBC2 just to get my BF fix.

Whatever the game that takes place in the city that I just watched the game play preview for on another site won’t have destructable environments.

And IIRC I still haven’t played a single level for campaign in black OPs.

I’m just a pessimist I guess. I’ll go back to Fallout and maybe try the new morrowing, I heard it was rather good.

Your talking about COD… Battlefield is its own beast, CoD series is an arcade shooter, thats a fact… BF3 is not looking to be UBER REALISTIC… Vlad if you want uber realistic get yourself a nice gaming rig and buy ARMA, you can’t get more realistic then that.

BF3 is looking to be more “beliveable” if you will while still allowing anyone to pick it up and have fun without pissing people off. There not looking to be a War simulator. Just something that allows a little more immersion and a little more strategy and focus more on teamwork and give you the sense that your in something believable.

Link to video?

+1 on ARMA. I own ARMA II and if you’re looking for an ultra realistic military shooter/strategy Game then it’s worth the money. The maps are not only huge but with their built in mod tool you can place weapons, vehicles and troops anywhere and in any quantity you want.

Need to have a beast of a machine to run it too… Even some serious rigs struggle with it at times, and its not even because its a great looking game, the mas and textures/foilage is just so vast

For sure. Compared to other games the graphics are quite poor but as you said the maps are so damn big. Definitely need a vehicle of some sort in that game lol.

vlad is a 1 gun man.


Some confirmed features of BF3… Theres a few in here im not to crazy about, the biggest one being what vlad mentioned earlier, looks like they are going to have regenitive health. My only hope about that is that if your critical and your screen is starting to “fade” out which I imagine it will do like alot of other games when your about to die, that it will just regenerate enough to make you “fit for duty” and not get you back to 100%, but if your in a fire fight you cant hop around and just duck and heal, aparently if there is any sort of fire wizzing around near you it wont allow your health to regenerate.

Also IDK how well the “immobilizing” tanks and other vehicles before they actually blow up is going to work out.

Squad Leader confirmed, 4 Person Squad
Ability to spot a Enemy Squad Leader
Equippable Grenades
Falling debris from destruction 3.0 can kill players!
Equippable knife as well as quick knife (like BC2)
Support class able to mount bipods and give ammo
Rifleman class has medpack + defibrillator
Ability to change fire modes in multiplayer (semi/burst/auto)
Regenerative health in MP, but suppression effect stops regen (only regen when you aren’t under fire)
Suppression effects from LMG, blur vision
Flashlights can blind the enemy
First Person Animations in Multiplayer
Faction Specific Weapons + Unlocks
Vehicles can be immobilized before being destroyed
Able to opt out of Revives in Multiplayer
3D spotting

ZOMG Battlefield 3 Beta is Epic. I brought my computer into work today so I could blow it out and throw some Artic Silver on my GPU heatsink due to the fucker running hot, GPU now running 11 degrees cooler under load…

Anyways couldn’t help myself and played about an hour of the BF3 Beta and i am fucking impressed. Even on my aging GTX 285 the game runs pretty smoothly on medium settings, but definitely will be getting a GTX 560ti/570 in the near future, definitely before games release.

Even with no hardcore mode in the beta I am really digging the damage system and everything. Game is extremely diverse and having so much fun.

If you Bought Medal Of Honor Limited edition or Pre-Ordered BF3 Limited edition through Origin on the PC you can get early beta access today, if you dident then it goes live thursday morning for everyone.

BF3 Fucking ROCKS!