Battlefield 3 12 Minute Gameplay

It’s official. I friggin SUCK at sniping on this game. lolololololol

Everyone seems to lol. Lots of shake, but I like how realistic it is. I’m shaky as fuck unless I’m shooting from a bench, so I’m used to it lol.

Several times I have pumped rounds into some natzee’s face and gotten nothing, and other times I’ll get 1 shot killed from 200 yards away. Da eff. #thatguy

I’ll wait forthe actual game to make my final decision about it but it seems like the BF franchise is not for me.

It’s alright, between morrowind, Forza and modern warfare I’ll find ways to kill my time.

I just pre-ordered the game yesterday. This is one game I actually don’t mind paying $50+ for and I’m excited to see what it offers.

I have a friend of mine who plays almost nothing but sniper and he’s actually very proficient with the long rifles. It’s a pretty cool feeling to know you have not only a spotter but a lethal shooter watching your back from hundreds of yards away.

I wasn’t holding my breath for BF3. I’ve never liked any BF game. Ever. But now with BF3, I haven’t been this excited for a game since the CoD 4 Beta.

And a vid for the lulz…

BF3 will look the best and play best on PC, but since my PC is ass I already preordered it from new egg for 48 bucks shipped.


But, the finish product will run better and look better then the beta.

BF3 does look pretty fucking sick on PC. Even in beta.

Been playing this for 2 days now. WAY better than Beta. I have a GTX 260 with 10GB of memory and I can only run it on ‘medium’ or ‘auto’ settings but game is AWESOME. So real.

Played all last night. Doin work. Definitely better than beta.

I picked up the game yesterday for the PC and it’s pretty good. My video card (XFX 8800 GTS 640) defaulted to low settings but I was expecting this. The gameplay, in both the campaign and multiplayer modes, is very realistic and the destructible environments is very cool. I’m not too sold on the Origin part of the game and following in true EA fashion the game is very buggy.

Did either of you have problems with the tank mission? As soon as I showed my face to the the enemy tanks, I got freaking like 10 rounds in the face (no homo :lol ) in a matter of seconds, killing me. What I did to get past the mission was just hall ass out far enough so the computer guys on my team advanced on the AI’s position and then I’d go hide until the computer took the enemy out. I was pissed. Must be a bug or something.

Only been playing the multiplayer. Trying to get a jump on all the noobs and get my unlocks, I’ll play the campaign later.

LOL I haven’t gotten to that mission yet but whatever works. That mission is really why I’m playing the Campaign, the trailer for it looked sick.

I usually do the same but the single player is actually pretty good so I’m peppering it in a bit with my multiplayer rounds.

All I know, graphics are EPIC in this game. Just breath taking the stuff they can do these days and it’s only going to get better as time goes on.

^I know, I need to upgrade my video card.

Should see it on ultra!

cannot fucking wait until my next paycheck

Shut up! :lol

Surprisingly enough my 560TI SUperclocked runs On ultra pretty well on some maps… on others it dips down into the 30FPS range which just pisses me off…

Play on High which is selected for me by default and getting around 70 pretty consistently

Have barely played the game since it came out. Ive played 2-3 hours of the single player campaign, and only played multiplayer for an hour or two, had to catch up on to much shit getting back from VA this weekend.

While I’m loving BF3 im actually way less enthusiastic about the release as I thought I was going to be, during the beta I was a mad man, but now if im tired i just go to bed, before I was like ZOMG one more unlock… I dont think ive unlocked a single thign in multiplayer yet.