Battlefield 3 12 Minute Gameplay

I should have this for the Xbox tonight. I’m excited. I know, I know, it’s meant to be on PC. Well I don’t have a gaming PC and it’s still awesome on the Xbox even if it’s watered down awesome.

Like I said earlier in the thread, I did not have any hopes for this game. Fell in love with it in the beta. Hated all other BF games.

You can buy my PC and help me fund my next one lol

this game sucks ass on PS3. I may return it.

Buy an xbox


Terrible. I’m done. If they can’t make the controls work on playstation I don’t have any faith that the company can make a good game on any system.

The game is the best FPS I’ve ever played.

Have to say I do love this game(on PC. Have Ps3 also, but hardly touch it), but I still find myself going back to my CS :rofl

if you guys like it on console, you’re missing out of the 64 player versions of the maps for PC

i bought this for pc last night. im hoping itll work on my laptop. if not ill need to get a gaming pc. friend totally sold me on it at work yesterday so i went about bought it. its doing the update now i should be on trying it out around 11:30pm.

Because EA thinks its going to dethrone Steam, we should post Origin names/gamertag/username/whathaveyous me thinks.

Feel free to add me; r3devi7


Also, for pc, my friend and his brother bought/rent a server. Its only a 16 player server, cycles Team DM and small Conquest, but good bunch of legit guys(most of the time) lol


Battlefeild is a different beast then COD, If your expecting a COD experience then you will be disappointed. You have to give yurself time to get over the learning curb. I HATED BF3 when I first played it, but after 2 weeks it started to work for me. I now enjoy the game.

My BF stats

You’re right

I personally love BlackOps and Mw gamestyle, and hate BF2 and so far BF3, but since nearly everybody is in love with BF3 I may have to go over to a friend’s house, spend some time playing it and see if I can get “into” it.

its the controls, for the playstation at least. The sensitivity is all messed up. Its way too sensitive while aiming and not enough while just looking around. it makes it impossible to play.

There is a controller lag issue of 0.32 seconds… Dice has yet to address the issues. adjusting this issue in settings doesn’t help much at all.

That stat site is pretty cool. Graphics are nice too, just cant decide form the 129 pages of them lol

Heres the link to my stats

i need to level up more. fuck. and not die as much too