Battling it out in a Warzone

Thanks me too :slight_smile:

As for the fenders not lining, fuck em’

Just get the car back to looking “normal”, then deal with that shit. Function over form.

holy shit. that looks good.

thanks roonie

Please dont leave the top primer. the scheme looks okay, just dont leave it primer, get some grey and do 'er right.

car looks alot better, kudos for doing all the work and learning. Not everyone gets a perfect car for their first one, and You’re learning.

I like it

wow that looks nice:thumright:

yah my bad for not reading before LOL

I’ve turned over a new leaf on this car.

Mistah Shottah > djinfinite



Well guys here’s the deal.

I want to know how much would you sell this car if you were in my shoes.

I ask you son member this because this so called friend from high school and he’s doing w/e with his life calls me up saying. “Yo I heard you got a 240sx” …” I drive a Honda”…”I know this guy that wants to buy your car how much are you looking for”.

I say: Have you seen my car.

He say: “ Yea I was in your area with a buddy and he should me your place and I seen your multi-color 240sx. It’s has rust on the car. It has holes on the frame. Blah blah blah blah blah

I say: how did you see my dam car if it’s not on the driveway……

He say: I drove by with my buddy….

So he said how he has a buddy that’s willing to pay cash right now.

I said $2000 because that what came to mind at the time. The thing that pissed me off was that him and his buddy came driving around my street n he stopped at my house n checked out my 240sx somehow while I was home.

Hang up!

Then I call back later on and he’s like. “I was messing with you bro and the car has holes in the car.”

I say : car has one hole and that on the passenger side rocker. (It’s my very first picture as you see on my intro on the thread)

He ask me how much are you looking for I said $2000.

He said his buddy has 500 and said the car is worth 500.

Son members what do you think this car is worth base on the pictures.

PS. The hood and fenders are a line a lot better.

Seriously dude… Don’t sell it. You’ve already put a lot of work into it. Just build it and be happy… Sell it down the road when you’re bored of it.

bro i know that but i want to know how much would you guys sell it if you were in my shoes.

Not planing on selling the car. and 1 day when i’m read i’ll drift with it but at this point drifting is not in my mind to do.

School starting back and i’ll hardly do work to the car. I’ve done enough work to the car and it will be parked up for a next winter or somthing.

My Next move is to get a body-shop to do the final bodywork. The stuff that i’ve missed they’ll pick it up and do what they do. Prime the car White.

that guys retarded. y would you sell it to a douche bag like that guy

I know.

For got 2 mention why i got piss. I’ve been robbed from a car on my driveway and 2 day after i woke up and checked on my car and i see the car cover off my car and i got cheesed.

Who wouldn’t be.

Could you guys give a price still so in the future i’ll know

if you think somone is messing with your car deal with that quick. like a stake out or camera system or whatever. i can hook you up with a lo-lux pinhole camera with audio that you can run to a tv in your room and watch and/or listen till they come. and then you can call the popo or deal with them with a bat, hockey stick, or your wepon of choice.


i’ll contact you bro

keep working at it , so far so good, dont sell it , drop an rb25 and u will be set.

tosh waz de scene long time!!

also shotta, if somone is willing to over pay for the car then sell it. i don’t know the rest of the condition of the car so i cant give you a $value of what i think its worth. but keep in mind you got the car for free. anything you sell it for will be profit. you should also kick back some to your freind that gave you the car for free as a thank you. my .02.

speaking from personal experiance i would drive the car for a little before you consider selling. after all the work you did to it you will regret it.
