bb storm web browsing

If theres one thing i hate, its mobile versions of websites. Some are decent and some sites just become downright useless (ebay). How do you view the regular website instead of the mobile version? Is there something in my settings I can mess with to make sure when I visit these sites, they dont give me the mobile version?

that’s weird. i can’t believe you’d be having browsing problems on that phone.

as far as i know there’s not a setting, it’s just a link on the page to view it in the full size version.

Have you tried Opera Mini? I don’t have a storm but I have the 8703E old-ass BB and as slow as it is, it makes every website functional.

Question: Does the Storm have Java? It’s the one thing I miss on my 8703E…

Yes there is java. And some sites have a link to full and some don’t. Haven’t tried opera yet

Definitely get Opera, 10,000 times better than the normal browser on mine. It loads websites normal and has a zoom option. With java it should be perfect!

How much do you pay a month for your Storm? What is your plan/options? Perhaps it’s time to upgrade for me…

There is an option in the storm to set it for mobile browsing or regular.

I think it was under browser options, then change the browser identification to firefox. It’s been a while since I did mine.

I’ve also recently updated mine to os and I can no longer change my default browser configuration, so if you haven’t updated try changing that to internet browser. But defiantly upgrade to the newest os from crackberry.

I do have the newest OS. And I havent received my first bill yet, but it wont be pretty im sure. Ive for the basic $40 a month plan for 450 minutes, free in, nights and weekends. Then a $10 texting plan and the mandatory $30 unlimited data plan for the storm. So…too much. But Its so much better having only 1 device than having my old phone and my touch.