BBM on iOS and Android?


So begins the transition of BB to a software company.

They already failed at phones lol

Unless your a drug dealer

Hey now…they’ve got the…ugh…um…pass

…corporate lock-in.

Blackberrys are only useful in corporate environments when you have a BES server.

My droid works great in a corp environment…

remote wipe and all the other bs

lz, which one do you have? My original droid lacks the on-device encryption ability. Touchdown makes it work somehow, but I question its security.

I have heard from others that it works on some newer devices, and google closed the bug report/feature request on google code for the activesync policies. I think google added in the rest of them in 3.0.

Are you working with exchange '10? I have my Droid setup with exchange and I can do remote wipes from the webmail console…Pretty cool

I have the original droid with some aftermarket apps that make it corp compliant…

However those apps screwed up and wiped my phone a few times

touchdown or others?

I’m not talking about it’s functionality, I was talking about how so many companies have comitted to Blackberries, and Blackberry has them locked into their devices and services.

Either I’m wrong though. According to Nielsen BB and Apple each have 27% of the corporate smartphone market and android has 29%.

So yeah, they’re toast. I still like them a lot though.

The problem with blackberry lock in is a lot of upper management types want the new bling phones Droids, iphones, etc

This forces companies to find ways to allow them onto corporate email and opening up the door to pretty much everyone after sometime.

i still <3 my BB. the way most apps talk to each other is worlds better than other platforms. and you cant get a better keyboard & screen in the sunlight.

i’ll be the first to admit, it’s horrible for internet/tethering usage though.

I never gave BB time pretty much for the internet browsing. If I was gonna pay the same price for data as an iPhone or other true browsing capable phone, I wanted to actually see the web pages.

I keep thinking about going back. The things that Blackberry does well (form factor, keyboard, social networking integration, stability) nobody can touch. But the other guys are still pretty good at that stuff, and do a lot more shit too. But fuck me I hate virtual keyboards.

profiles: as simple or as customizable as you want. i’ve yet to see the other guys come close to what BB can do with that out of the box.