Be careful out there tonight

Jesus, i hope that driver burns in hell.

DD ftw

holyyyyyyyyyyyyy shit!!!

I have upclose pictures of the car in the impound/investigation unit. I’ll upload them if I get a chance.

What kind of car is it? Looks like a 4dr Civic from the channel 6 pics, but I’m not quite sure. The wheels look different from the Civic.

It’s a Mitsubishi Galant. The car was split at the dashboard. It’s a stomach turning experience seeing it in person.

i went to HS with her, she was in my 7th and 8th grade class too. Sad to hear about this esp because there were kids involved with her.

As for those pics, solid 60mph sliding sideways like a fucking idiot. Id like to know what his BAC was, as well as hers to see if they were both plastered or if she should have been driving. They can put him in jail and all that but the worst thing is the fact that hes going to have to live with this. rip, wasnt worth it.

^^Never is.

Very sad. That was a hell of an accident.