be careful out there

my roommate and i were on the way to work at 0445 this morning and hit a patch of black ice going about 25-30 on cramer rd. in between plains rd and 9… his truck (01 f-150 rcsb) spun around and we hit a tree, going backwards with the dead center of the tailgate… his head busted out the back glass on the cab and he got 4 staples and i’m sore all over… truck looks to be totalled since the bed got crumpled up pretty bad…

all in all, we are both glad it wasn’t worse and that we hit going backwards rather than any of the other possible impact scenarios… anyways, be careful and wear your seat belts- you never know what might happen

yea it got icey as fuck last night. i almost broke my ass on me front steps going out to test the tune in tiny-turbz around midnight. LOL

i slid at every stop sign at that was around 1a.m

wow sorry to hear…

Shit man sorry that happened to the truck glad to hear you two are ok

Same thing happened to me the other morning, hit a nasty patch of black ice and was able to drive through it. Was a miracle I didn’t hit anything.

thanks guys… it sucks, but could have been a lot worse… he’s tracking down a rental car now so that we can get to work since my truck is still in the shop… i’ll try to post up pics if i can get some when we go out to get our stuff out of it

i hit ice a few times but luckilky was going straight, good driver or not it still scares you knowing that at any time u can hit ice and you might not be driving in a straight line when it happens

i slid down my driveway this morning. it’s a sheet of ice. i’ve gotta go scrape it all off. FML

That’s what salt is for, specialbro.

Definitely just broke my ass in my driveway after work. Salted the FUCK out of it. :rofl

fucking retarded parents wait until 3 months after the snow’s gone to buy salt.

So buy some salt dude…

the only people with less money then me live in boxes.

I hit ice Black Friday morning going back to work on.

87S onramp onto 90E/Suny Albany exit bridge was entirely iced over during a foggy morning while there was no snow on the ground or no ice else where. Damn onramp is curved and isn’t a smooth junction on or off so kicked the car out.

“Bridge Ice’s before the road” signs bring a whole new meaning once you experience it.

betcha you were lovin’ that choobaru AWD right about then…

Yeah AWD really helps on the ice :lol

To the OP glad everyone’s alright, definitely have seen a lot of ice past few days. It’s always the off hours a couple before the morning rush that its the worst.

Truth! My drive to work is on back roads that are NOT a straight line, always makes me nervous when the roads “look wet” in the winter time.

Did you really just say that? You do realize AWD does absolutely nothing when you are on ice right? Trust me I have a Subaru and have hit ice a few times this winter.

Sorry to hear, glad everyone’s ok. I drive for a living and while black ice is unavoidable here in the northeast, I find listening to tire to road noise helps give you a heads up that it’s starting to freeze up. If there are street lights it usually looks different than just wet roads. If there’s any doubt if it’s cold enough for black ice don’t chance it take it easy and be alert. (not saying you guys weren’t being cautious)

My stupid boss keeps putting off getting tires on the truck at work and it has 6 bald tires with cracked rubber and steel belts sticking out. Luckily I didnt hit any ice and I had to drive it to Pittsfield and back last night.

here are the pics… from looking at it this morning, i’m sure his truck is totaled, there’s no way the insurance company will justify fixing it- and i dont blame them… i didnt get a picture of the frame, but it’s bent also, along with the leaf spring on the passenger side…

unfortunately, where this happened there are no street lights, and it is a somewhat curvy, country road… right before it happened, my roommate said to me “that looks like black ice” and took his foot off of the gas pedal- 2 seconds later, we were spinning in circles and along for the ride