Black Ice Extravaganza

Lets hear everyones stories about this morning… I saw two accidents before I even made it onto the thruway. One where a car was spun around on milestrip by the Ford plant, one on Rt. 5 by the bridge near the Ford plant. I definitely took my time this morning… lets see how many posts we can get before all you professional drivers get in here complaining about how slow everyone was driving…

It is just ice. Man up people. I was out on my bike doing 110 on zee highway! If you can’t ride or drive on ice, you shouldn’t be driving at all.

That’s racist…I believe it’s African American Ice. Co-Worker just called said 400/90 is a parking lot.

290E sucked, off ramp towards UB shut down. Passed a bunch of small spun around pick ups.

If I could ride my bike, I probably would have still rode to work today.

dbl pst :frowning:

Thank God for HAKKA STUDS111 :carnut:

I passed people in ditches and I know they heard my studs rollin. lol

The morning sucked so bad today!!! I have no Ice scraper in my car since i never drive it in the winter… didn’t think i would have a layer of ice on my car, then i went and unlocked my moms car to get her ice scraper and it was missing!!! I was also out of windsheild washer fluid, so i waited alittle and then took off, in 4th gear around 1,800RPM my car kicked out sideways @40MPH alitte from the awesome black ice!!! Then i got stuck behind some old person driving super slow… frustrating!!!

And why cant you ride your bike? And lets be serious for a second… I have no problem if you ride your bike, unaware of the havoc from this morning, realizing this while your out there and continuing very cautiously. But, if you already knew there was black ice on the road, and decided to allow negligence get the best of you, then Id only hope the best to you that you dont hurt yourself…

I didn’t have any problem this morning.drove the standard. 65 on the 290 without any notice. That was at 6:30. Didn’t even see any accidents

There were like 5 accidents on the highways I took, 3 of which were single car, luckily I made it from South Buffalo to UB in an average time. Did anyone see the single car accident on the 990 entrance at UB? The guy was getting arrested. LOL. So if you have a warrant I think you should beware of black ice!

There is an Xzibit “yo dawg” in here somewhere:

the 33 inbound was a parkinglot. glad i was on the outbound.

even the 198 was bad.

I didnt slip once.

Yo dawg, I put black ice on your black ice, so you can have black ice on your black ice when you’re driving your black ice whip on black ice!

Meh, I’m riding to school still.

I didn’t even realize there was black ice until I started reading the news at work. 2 mile side road commute FTW!

A coworker who drives in from Niagara Falls was bitching pretty good when he finally got here about 30 minutes late.

right before i got on the thruway i heard it on the radio… 90 was okay. 219s had an accident on every bridge lol. was at 800. ended up 10 mins late, didnt expect 3 inch thick ice all over the car either

I can’t ride it because it is running like a POS. It’s not at all enjoyable. The carbs and valves need to be adjusted.

On my way to work I encountered no real ice to speak of. I also do not watch the news or listen to the radio unless I’m in the car so I would have never known it was bad out. My commute takes me right through the Tonawanda from parker to military. Usually, If there is ice on the car windows or the temp is anywhere near freezing, I am pretty cautious. Carbs suck in the cold anyway, so I could not go fast even if I wanted to.

From Amherst to downtown Buffalo I didn’t feel, see or notice any ice. I took Youngs -> Genessee by the airport -> 33 -> Downtown. No issues whatsoever. If I hadn’t been listening to Kiss 98.5 and their “reporting” on the ice I’d have had no clue. The roads were just wet. It took me the normal 20 minutes to get to work.

News to me… I drove the lotus…