Beaverun Time Trial - North Course - Sept 26/27

They vary it for the two days, but it went down like this.

Saturday there were two 20 min practice sessions. I was the only car that stayed around for the comp runs, so rather than 5 laps they let me stay out there a little longer? I think it was however many laps I could put down in 10 mins. I went out twice for the comp runs btw.

Sunday with a few extra cars and two karts that showed up. They ran us three 15 min pratice sessions. Then the 5 lap comp runs, which we went out twice for (my spin was on the first one, second one was the only semi-dry conditions we got).

So the track time was decent for the money. Also for all your sessions your running a transponder, so you getting times directly off beaverun’s timing system.