"Because no one had the balls to do it"

looks dumpy

someone needs to give this guy a RLNR

Coolest thing about it was the satellite dish hard mounted to the roof…

Then I realized in photo #2 it was just the background.

figures, brand x makes middle aged men do really silly things with their money lmao


If he actually made it into a rat rod it could have been pretty effin sweet, but he failed.

Does he know he could’ve had the same effect with a nice looking car?

Was going to post the same thing…lol

All I can say is :Idiots

Does this guy live near erngotti and that cobalt dude?

It’s their dad.

Doesnt make any sense

Its an interesting idea but it looks like shit

Fail. Should have kept it stock and drove it in the salt as a daily. In 5 years he would have had a natural rat rod that doesn’t look like it just rolled out of a shadetree garage.

Have fun paying for that in a monthly bill.

how is that a 150k camaro to begin with?

I see NY plates.

Redline possibly?

This is something stupid that Kramer would do

fuck yes, takes a steel sack to bust up a brand new car whether it looks like shit or not, fuck em if they cant take a joke, its only a car!

dumbass sands down new camaro for attention… . brilliant