Been taking some photos latly

I have been playing with my new camera (Pentax Optio S5Z) I have been into photography since my dad showed me how to use his SLR but have never really tried anything seriously. Latly I have been trying to get a feel on photographing cars so here are some recent shots of a subject that some of you guys that know what it is will find cool. Yes it is the real deal, let me know what you think. I use Adobe Photoshop CS to edit my shots.

I will give you criticism rather then just say nice things :o

  1. Lighting needs work

  2. Could improve on colour; could be more vibrant :dunno:

  3. Angie is good, but I’m thinking your focal point is lacking

Not bad, but I know you could do better.

I tend to dissagree to be honest, the lighting and the colours are true to the way the car looked by the naked eye. The lighting in the building was a dim yellow that cast serious shadows, so I didnt feel the need to try and boost the colours or brightness to somthing they were not. I can understand the focal point but I unfortunatly only was allowed 5 min with the car before I had to leave.

Decent but I think the pictures lack color. Im pretty sure you are using a tripod so I would set the exposure for something a little longer to get some more light into the picture. Your ISO is also a little high giving the picture a little too much grain. Set it lower and open your apeture and your pictures will be more punchy.

#4 best pic imo, nice angle, good, a bit more shutter speed maybe

#1 too much distraction from other objects, takes away from the attention on the car

#2 not feelin the angle, maybe using a F2.5 and focusing in on the names with more shutter speed might improve

#3 not feelin the lighting really, very hard to make out details on the car

tri pod might improve pics, overall not bad for beginning, use more shutter

thnx the unfortunate thing is as far as I can tell the camera lacks an exposure time setting, but the ISO can be set lower.

without being able to keep the shutter open longer a lower iso will make the pic even darker, unless the camera automatically adjusts for that. if it does definatly use a lower iso like kouki s14 said to reduce grain.

Ya after messing around with my camera right now I have found that the Night Mode on the camera dose hold the shutter open longer and with my ISO set to 80 takes some good photos I just need to keep the camera steady…think its time for a tripod lol.

Use a tripod.
Too much negative space.
And of course the lighting has been mentioned.

But it’s a good start. Mess around with the exposure.

couldn’t agree more. can’t wait to see the new batch. :wink:

seems like theres alot of camera “experts” here.

not so much experts but people who also enjoy cameras and taking pictures

comments like your make threads die.

so be quiet.


looks good, I mean I cann agree with the “lighting complaints”… But at the same time is that car retired from compitition? if so dim lighting suites it.

I think the pics look fine the way they are. It makes it seem more dramatic. Not every picture needs to be well lit.

not bad.
Lighting, exposure, saturation, focus needs attention, but still good.
Image is kind of grainy, what iso did you take it at? 200? 400?

i quickly edited one in photoshop, would be better with original pic tho.

Sorry but I have to say that you edit of my photo really dose not work, the red balance is way off and the contrast seems to have been made to high since now the light reflections look way off. As I said I was not trying to make the car look diffrent then what it was, the light was very dim and it gave the car a sephia look to it. The tripod thing I need and the ISO was set at 200 I belive…could have been 400 because the ISO settings were on auto which is a problem.

The red balance was increased because i thought it lacked colour/vibrancy. The original picture did have a high red/yellow balance to begin with… probably due to tungsten lights. Levels were edited, it did somewhat have a sepia look to it i guess, but it looked underexposed to me.
I like it better anyhow.

Try to keep iso settings as low as possible. Especially on dark photos.

That’s not possible on a fully-automatic exposure camera. Setting the ISO to 100 will require a much longer exposure, which I don’t know the camera can perform - and in Night Mode i’ll bet it bumps up the ISO itself.

Alot of cameras do have user-forced iso settings. Yes it does require a longer exposure, but you do get a much better image. Dont know if his camera has manual iso, shutterspeed, F-stop control tho. Does it?

Nope. That particular Pentax is an automated P&S.