Beeping and giving the middle finger?

I love people who scream at you when both of your windows are rolled up. Just throw them a big smile and wave.


road rage is hilarious

i saw you the other day fuzzy, in the amish down by the river…passed ya but didn’t notice till you were already by me…

right near wilson farms…

p.s. then i gave you the finger

oh and its great to blow kisses to the fags that get road rage, pisses em off more! try it some day rofl

In my truck i don’t really care, but on the bike i beep and would probably punch a mirror off if given the chance

I usually get the finger from people 3-5 times a week. Is it bad that I enjoy it? I laugh at them and it makes me smile for at least 10min. I <3 angry drivers :slight_smile:

Point at them and laugh hysterically. If you have a passenger, have them do it too. Then drive away. He/she will just get more pissed and wonder all day what in the hell was so funny.

I did get gratification from yelling “Go fuck yourself” last week to a guy who cut me off and yelled at me, through the open windows.


I find that blowing people kisses is more effective as well when somoene is driving like a retard.

Either that or I smile and and wave my finger. Then they are just like WTF.

YOU FIEND! My day is now ruined. :frowning:

I like when they do something wrong but proceed to flip you off in the process.
I like to say something like learn how to fucking drive.
I raced my entire life, So I’ve learned what to do and not do, and what to look for to avoid being wrecked.
Its saved me numerous times.
My conclusion, the base of the population can’t fucking drive,
and women need not possess the ability to even get a license.

i blow kisses if i really want to set someone off.

i find it much more effective.

EDIT_ I see this was already mentioned. :ham: But it really does work.

I rarely let people get to me on the road though, so I usually ignore shit.

in my car I don’t really care, but when I am on the bike I start with clutch in and rev limiter then move on to finger and horn combo, and if necessary end with boot meet door/mirror.

These of course would only happen if someone does something retarded around or towards me, normally I just try to avoid being right next to or slightly behind any cage on the road.

I have hella supertones on my wrx. if they don’t shit their pants first, they are still all flustered

Ive found the finger and a big ol grin works well

hahaha, I did that before and the guy nearly lost his mind :rofl: His wife/Gf driving probably got a nice shiner for it later

I give people the stare

jacking the brake on an offramp while they tailgate you is always fun, they shit their pants when they go off into the dirt …

you know what the best one is? acting like a fucking adult and just ignoring it

thats way too mature for 90% of the people on this forum including me =)

i like to yell at people. or if someone is riding my ass i downshift hard and pull the e brake up a bit they back off

or if youre not paying attention at a light and it turns green and someone honks at you to go i sit there for a bit and wave, then go. lol