Has this ever happened to you?

So i’m leaving the parking lot at Best Buy on 137th Ave and I stop at the stop sign, check and then start to go. A vehicle turned onto the strip in front of the mall so I stopped, because she had the right of way.

The passenger is a 30-some year old guy who then stares at me and gives me the finger. . .wtf? So I catch up to the vehicle on 137th ave and roll down my window to ask why the guy gave me the finger. He rolls down his window, gives me the finger again then starts swearing at me, saying i cut them off.

I said “Wtf dude. . . I gave you the right of way. . .” then he stares at me, puts his head down, rolls up his window and then looks away. I looked at who was driving and it looked like it was his mom!

Any shit like this happen to any of you guys? I noticed that there’s a lot of asshole drivers/passengers here in this city.

Man. I always get dirty looks and shit for no reason at all. Some asshole in his truck was tailgating me like mad and when he went storming past me he gave me the finger and was screaming some shit. All I did was turn right onto a street about 250,000 car lengths in front of him.

LOL when ppl bumper hump be i slam on the breaks and give them a taste of whats to come. fucking asshole drivers.

See, i would totally slam my brakes going down 23rd(seems like people tailgate most often there)but if i did that, im pretty sure they’d destroy my car, and i’d have to go and geet a new one, and have horrible back pains like everyone else i’ve known that has gotten into an accident has.

^haha this one guy was riding my ass one day because i merged infront of him and didnt floor it to match his speed. so anyways i got pissed off and just hammered on my brakes because he was just riding my ass(all i could see was 2 headlights). btw the guy behind me was in an suv and could hardly stop. he didnt hit me, but his wife got pissed off and slapped him for being a retard. it was well worth it, and he didnt hump by bumper anymore. haha

Despite the fact that rear ending someone is the rear ender’s fault you can be held partially responsible for doing what you did. All the cops would need to hear from the other two is “he it is brakes” and then you are in a dispute.

Also, why would you want to have your car smashed just to prove a point and then get into a screaming match?

With that said…downshift instead without hitting the brakes. :thumb

Personally I just slow to about 40km/h and do my best to piss them off even more. If they are going to be a fucking dick to you. You might as well give then a real reason to be upset.

Yea if they tailgate me and i am in a bad mood i just let off the gas untill they stop.

I do not like causing accidents and doing insurance fraud, which what it is if you slam on your brakes to shake a tailgater and create and accident on purpose

i do that too, and it really pisses them off, then i speed up so they cant merge in front of me, then slow down again. usually they just turn off or stay far back.

true, an accident is a PITA and i dont really want to go through all the autobody bs. but in the end u can sometimes end up with some $$$ in your pocket!

I usually don’t try and piss em off. I just let em past.

Ignore em. Every day I say that I’ll be nice 3 other drivers on the road (ie: construction, police etc blocking lane let them in. Let people get in when turning on to busy road during rush hour instead of blocking intersection. stopping for pedestrian at cross walks because its a law) and hope they pass it on to other drivers. Probably won’t, but at least it makes me feel good on the way home instead the usual pissed-off-wishing-my-car-had-missiles mood.

But then again some people get mad when your nice to other people and this is my main reason to be a nice person. I mean if you yell at the guy whose being nice how stupid are you?!

my grandpa tought me, let the idiot pass by, dont be an idiot to prove that they’re stupid, that makes you guilty by assosiation. nothing to prove, those who ment to be retarded on the road will get into accident, not today, but tomorrow. drive safe boys and chill down.

dude, you have like bad luck with your G…sheesh, lotsa’ haterz out there…

Im tough too :partyman:

:lol: i just call 911 and tell them there is a drunken master smoking weed drinking brew , flipping fingers down 137ave at everyone and they should check him out.

or get out of the car at the next light and crack him in the face a few times

lee your a big guy next time just get out and flip there car

or for us rwd guys… little bit of a clutch kick and spit sand and gravel all over them… you know… get a little loose, make em think you’re out of control :slight_smile:

i, once, personally got in front of them and pulled ebrake on the whitemud going 90km/hr. not only they get stinky smell of rubber in the car, but they’ll flip out :slight_smile: :finga:

Man there are so many psychos on the street it just doesnt seem to be worth pissing them off. A friend of mine did a similar thing and got followed. Then they pulled a machette on him. He doesnt intentionally piss anyone off anymore.

I don’t go around aggravating anyone intentionally. I will sometimes pull some asshole manoeuvers if i’m in a rush but if anyone flips me the bird or swears at me they better have a good reason for it. . .