Beeping and giving the middle finger?


It’s pretty pointless to go nuts in your car when someone does something stupid. You’re not going to change the other driver, and even if you do, your chances of seeing them on the road again are usually quite slim.

but its fun to put people in to the grass if they need a wakeup call

i had a guy on the 190 hammer down and pass me on the right in the exit lane JUST as i was getting into the lane, he got irate because i interupted his pass attemp and started to tailgate me really damn close, pretty sure he made contack a few times

ive always wanted to throw a McDonalds milkshake or other fountain beverage at someones car, i just never have one handy… ya know like straight up thru the sunroof or somethign so it covers their windshield

one time i lifted my shirt up and put my nipple on the glass and yelled “oohh biilly”

i was doin 75 on the 400 and this bitch would not get off my ass, i slammed on my brakes till i was at 30mph and the vue behind me with a bunch of sluts went off the road, they did a loser fly by i think i had like 12 fingers at me LOL


i lol’d

Bump, for today. The rage is strong with the poodle owning cougars.

what about the couger stare down?

Cheese FTW. Preferrably gouda. So much more satisfying than the one finger salute.

instead of giving the finger, I just rape them

ughhh… I got stuck behind a c*nt on 5 last week. She was in the passing lane, passing people… I was a few car lengths back. Out of nowhere she started slowing down more and more until she matched the speed of the car next to her and stayed there for the whole 2-3 mile stretch of road.

she was pissing EVERYONE off (doing 32-ish in a 40)… people were on each others asses hoping to get around her, but to no avail.

At the first red light we hit, as soon as it went green, she decided to be a whore and wait until the truck next to her started going, so to block the lane again.

Fortunately for us, the truck made a right turn and a line of cars all passed her on the right, all while she was flipping out and giving everyone the finger (mind you, she had kids in her mini-van).

Finally, back cruising at normal highway speeds she starts speeding up, still not budging from the passing lane… but she was still quite a ways back and we hit the next red light… a majority of the pack was going to make a left turn… I was the only person in the driving/right lane and looked into my rearview to see her closing in (wow, she managed to figure out how to change lanes).

The light went green and if I had taken off like I normally do, she could of passed traffic without ever slowing down. Fuck that… I waited until the light turned red again, then went (running the red light was WELL worth the risk of getting a ticket in this case)

:lol: I can only imagine the words flying out of her fat mouth

So true i do this all the time and poeple dont know how to respond, that of give them the hand wank