How often do you get/give the finger?

I found myself having to use the horn alot more than normal and of course the finger comes up quite a bit lately and I am just trying to find out if maybe it’s my type of impatience for stupid fucking drivers or if theres just something about (no offense) females and trying to drive in city situations…

I don’t mean to offend any of the girls on the forum by that but seriously in the past like 3 days alone I get fucking bitches who try to cut me off and then I beep and they act like it was my fucking problem, and woop either I get the finger or if they were completely obliterate to see me, then sure enough they get it…

I don’t get it, and it’s just recently too.

I use it all the time, but I’m a fucking prick on the road. Just ask Phil or Brent what it’s like riding with me.

Haha, I can totally see that Mike… i just don’t get people. Its like I’m the attraction of all dumb drivers

5 - 6 times a day… not including driving :slight_smile:

haha its funny that this thread was just made… i received the finger twice today. One in a McD’s parking lot by some 40yo geezer who actually stopped and seemed like he wanted to fight or something, just staring at me, over barely cutting him off.

In the car i barely beep or flip the bird to others

On the bike i do it pretty much daily

welcome to buffalo

Sometimes but then big fat old men with tiny penors try to run me off the road. So it’s better to just take pictures of them.

These people were driving quite slow, so I took their picture:

Oh, I forgot to mention, one time coming home from Buffalo I got the finger almost as soon as I left the toll booths. Well I decided to turn it into a game that day to lift my spirits, and see how many fingers I could get, and get on film that day. I think it was 10 or 11 fingers with 8 or so on film.

i like beeping at people and swerving towards them… i usually get the finger from that

Oh good plan. I was going to take a picture of these fine tourists but I felt since the scurvy knaves were just piloting their 5 cylindered pirate ship in such a way (slowly) that they wanted more people to view them so taking their picture would only promote their cause…

well the thing is i usually get the finger when someone else does something stupid…

Ex.) i was just heading up 33e to merge onto 90 and this lady is about even with me puts her turn signal on and tries turning directly into me, so i beep she looks at me and give me the finger, she slows down and gets behind me so i spiked the breaks to piss the bitch off and came down to around 35 from 60… she didn’t like that one.

Road rage much? Goosfraba…

i got it a couple times…but not recently…except from a handicapped man who waved to me, then flicked me off, all within 1 minute. i was confused. whateva

Not very often. I maybe get/give it like once every 5 or 6 months.

i never get or give it, it’s rude. i just came to the conclusion long ago that nobody knows how to drive and deal with it.

I never give the finger, get it once in a while, but its usually the persons own fault and they are so incompetent that they think the situation is my fault.

A thumbs up pisses people off way more than the finger anyway. :tup:

Never give it, never have the urge to.

Otherwise I only get it when someone tries to cut ahead of me which usually results in then going onto the shoulder. Usually from the big bad SUV drivers more often than not.

the best finger i ever got was over the summer. i was coming home from work, driving down sheridan drive right by the georgetown plaza.

the light by the firehouse turns yellow, and i’m a good ways away. no where near making the light at all. I am in the left lane, a car is directly next to me in the right, and a MDX is behind the car in the right. We are both braking for the red light when the MDX jumps behind me assuming i was going to run it, when i was infact well into braking for the light. Lays on the breaks, just avoids rear ending me.

I swear this bitch was having a heart attack flipping out. i have never seen anyone snap this bad ever. layin on the horn the whole time we are sitting at this light, screaming out the window the works. ( forgot to add in she had what appeared to be a 10-11 year old kid in the passenger seat) well the light turns green, and i decided to be a prick and accelerate and spike the brakes to piss her off.

She floors it and passes me in the median, and i look over and this litte kid, i swear was no older than like 11 was flippin me off.

i just laughed knowing that her fucktardness would be rewarded with a coke head son in the future.

^^ and i bet she took him to mcdonalds for that finger

whats disturbing is your prob right