befor i move on

ok i finaly have the money to do a sr swap but befor i do i am going to change up some stuff ie: gaskets.

what is the difference between a metal head gasket and other types and the thickness …1mm or 2mm and i found a bunch of gasket kits on ebay I know I know but what should i look for in a kit i want them to last a long time.

I heard that the sr has a weak oil pump should i replace this now while the engine is out? and all i can find is the oil pump front cover is that all it is or am i missing somthing

Click on some of the stickies

you will find what your looking for

The oil pump is fine, just make sure the oil pan is not dented because the oil pickup is very close to the bottom of the oil pan and will not suck properly if touching. And exactly how much power are you looking for? Unless you are shooting in the 350-400 hp range a metal head gasket is not necesarry. Invest your money in other places that could help with maintaining the longevity of the engine.

i would like some where between 300-350 hp. whats the difference between the 1mm thick regular and the 2mm thick regular?


You use the thicker 2mm one if you have had your block/head machined or you want to lower compression slightly.

there u go thanks that what i needed to know :rolleyes: