before and after gsr rims

wow man that sucks!!! sorry to hear

wow i was gonna but those too

Who man those rims balnced out fine. I mounted the tires at my job. had them on the car for half the summer. Never noticed anything. I got them from member to low 69,and he got them from vlad,so if you have a problem you can come to me.Oh and by the way a majorady of the lights and sockets on the cluster are missing. If You think the rims are shit,bring them back and i’ll give you your stuff back. If I knew they were bent I wouldn’t have even tried to sell them, Just for the fact of this very thing happening, Plus I told you the clear coat was shit before we even made plans to meet up.Ask 6speed eg, or Reckone if I knew anything about them being bent,They are both familar with the rims when they were on my car.I know your not going to belive me and that’s fine, But if I truly knew they were bent I wouldn’t have sold them to you. If there’s that much of a problem you can have your struts and cluster back and I will throw the rims in the trash.Oh and you can keep the 60 dollars I gave you also, since Im a rapist.

fat fives > flat fives

my only concern was that they were going to shake when i drove…that drives me nuts…as long as you say they ballance out fine and dont shake its all good…as far as the gauges i dont know what bulbs are missing but they worked great when i had them in my type R civic…they bulb or bulbs may have fallen out… i had them out of the car for about 4 months before you got them…

Those shit where fine, because I actually mounted and balanced them myslef before they went on the car.

like i said im not pissed or anything but you saying that you mounted and balanced them and they were fine just proved that underboosed bent them himself…but like i said its all good im not pissed…fuck it

Who the fucks going to remember if they were bent or not. All wheels will balance out. All your seeing is some flat spots here and there. That dosen’t tell you anything about the balance. Your talking about 15 year old wheels, of course those shit’s wobbled a little when I balanced them. So if anything you should be arguing with me for not telling underbosted they were not prefect used wheels.

Just my 2 cents, but they looked better polished.

want them tires for deez sweet rymmmzz yet?

In the process of polishin mine right now

yah i still want them but for some reason my taxes arent here yet…

yah i decided to strip the black paint off the 1 and polish mine too…i just sanded one of them with 1000 grit and it looks pretty good…im gonna run down and get some paint stipper…but im not sure how to polish them to shine…what do i do after the sanding? polishing compound?

here are a couple of pics of my progress…wet sanding with 220 it looks pretty good… i have to get some kind of paint stripper to get the black paint off of the one i painted…

here is a pic… just got tires(toyo poxys 195/50/15) they are all polished…but a little dirty

… I Miss my integra

You know he turboed then totaled it right?

he wrecked it??? as in body damage or fuckin up a good drivetrain

yea i know. thanks for reminding me

he got tboned.

guess its gettin fixed tho

He’ll wreck it again. That kid is a fuckin tool. Half assed turbo install on a once beautiful car FTL!!!

just for a reburn i smoked him not once but 3 times in a stock lt1 camaro