Being Fat must suck

i did my high school senior project on obesity, honestly i prolly learned the most on this one subject than out of anything in high school. one question that alot of people needed an answer to was “if a fat girl falls in the woods and nobdy is around to see it, do the trees laugh?” and the conclusion i came up with is, of course they do that shits funny as hell how couldnt you?

in all seriousness tho being obse is an epidemic that killng the us, literally. we are the most obese country in the world an obesity is second only to smoking as the leading cause of preventable death. that shits fucked up. eat your wheaties.

edit just found one of my displays so ill throw out some info thats on it…

there are 400,000 deaths per yearrelated to obesity. thats 1095 deaths per day. smoking causes 1200 deaths per day.

there is 100 million obese americans, thats 60 percent of adults.

if you want more info, i have it.